The Correction Of The Exchange Can Be Brought About Ulti-
mately only by a far greater productivity here. There is no other way. If we do not work we shall be poor, instead of rich as we were before the war. If we work badly enough we......
News Of The Week.
T HE Yorkshire miners are still on strike. A week ago the Government and the Miners' Federation made an agreement concerning piece-rates in all the coalfields ; but Mr. Herbert......
Mr. J. H. Thomas, The Secretary Of The National Union
of Railwaymen, who has recently returned from America, declared at Derby last Saturday that the strike was a two-edged weapon, and that a political strike, such as Mr. Smillie......
The Yorkshire Miners' Union Was Not Represented At The Nego-
tiations in London, and, unlike the Unions in other districts, did not order its members to resume work. The Minister of Labour waited till Tuesday for the Miners' Federation to......
The Adverse Rate Of Exchange In America Has Been Causing
anxiety, but the marked fall in the value of the sovereign in America was bound to come. The warning will be useful if we learn our lesson as we ought to do. All through the was......
If The Yorkshire Strike Did Not Mean Great Distress For
hundreds of thousands of workmen in the steel and textile industries, and were not throwing the whole mechanism of industry out of gear, we could watch these ingenious tactics......
Under The Agreement Come To Between The Government And The
Miners' Federation Executive on Friday week, the piece-rates were to be increased " by an amount which on the average will be that necessary to correspond with a ten per cent.......
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