Sir: I Hope Digby Anderson Is A Better Food Writer
than social commentator. The lower- class habit of cupping one's hand while holding a lighted cigarette to take drags (not gasps, for goodness' sake) is alive and well in the......
Loyalist's Lament
Sir: Whenever there is an inquest on a Con- servative debacle, we get wailing sing-songs about the inadequate presentation of the party's message: leaders without charisma,......
Sir: It So Happened That While Reading Digby Anderson's...
my dustman was whistling away as he carried out his nasty job. While whistling may not any more fig- ure largely among their activities, the work- ing classes have changed few......
Sir: Digby Anderson's Article About Work- Ing-class...
in at least one respect. The 'rhetorical question tag' as in `I was just gonna do it, wasn't I' is extremely common on television, which Dr Anderson probably doesn't see much,......
Not The Final Whistle
Sir: As one who earns a crust from practis- ing the art of generalisation on a daily basis, I take my hat off to Digby Anderson for his efforts last week in constructing an......
Letters Bear-baiting
Sir: It now seems fashionable to knock the enlargement of Nato (`The Bear at bay', 12 July). Susan Eisenhower reacts as if the West never lifted a fmger to help Russia. What......