2 AUGUST 2003, page 31
Le Jour Se Couche
Philip Hensher FRENCH CINEMA: FROM ITS BEGINNINGS TO THE PRESENT by Remi Fournier Lanzoni Continuum, £24.99, pp. 408, ISBN 0826413994 Nv hatever the intentions of [he author of......
The Gold Crash
John de Falbe THE CRYPTOGRAPHER by Tobias Hill Faber, £12, pp. 264, ISBN 0571218369 T obias Hill's last novel, The Love of Stones, was a compelling tale about an extraordinary......
The Haunting Presence Of Poe
Michael Carlson THE AMERICAN BoY by Andrew Taylor Flamingo, £17.99, pp. 485, ISBN 000710961X T he American boy is Edgar Allan Poe, whose step-parents, the Allans, brought him to......