The Germans Are Still Not Prepared, After Twenty-four...
allow Alsace-Lorraine to govern itself as a province of the Empire. A motion to that effect was made in the Reichstag on Wednesday, but the Chancellor refused to accept it. He......
Mr. Asquith And Mr. Morley Made More Than One Speech
at Newcastle-on-Tyne on Wednesday, but said very little of interest in their morning speeches. At the great meeting in the Olympia of Newcastle in the evening, where five......
Mr. Fowler On Thursday Made A Striking Speech At A
dinner given to Lord Sandhurst, the new Governor of Bombay, which appears to have been reported only in the Times. He repudiated strongly the idea that England would ever give......
On His Main Subject, The Reform Of The House Of
Lords, Lord Lansdowne took up the plan which we have continually advocated, of the weeding of the House of its great redundance of passive Conservatism. But we do not think that......
Lord Lansdowne Delivered A Striking And Masculine Speech...
on Tuesday, in which he made one useful sug- gestion, that Bills which have passed their second reading in the House of Commons in one Session should go up to the Lords before......
The Duke Of Argyll Has Published The Speech Which Was
unfortunately interrupted by a severe attack of illness at Glasgow on January 15th, and a very powerful attack on Lord Rosebery it is, though in our opinion much too bitter in......
Mr. Morley's Speech Was Exclusively On Ireland. He...
expression of his previous conviction that Home-rule is the only cure for Irish discontent, and of his extraordinary belief that handing over Ireland to the tender mercy of the......