2 JANUARY 1875, page 1

The Somewhat Tedious Inquiry Which Has Been Going On All

the week has not produced much result. It is pretty clear that the accident was due to the breaking of the tire of one of the wheels of a third.-class carriage, and it has been......

News Of The Week

TI1HE Counter revolution has arrived in Spain. Don Alphonso, the Prince of the Asturias, came of age on November 17, and hisadvisers, among whom S. Canovas del Castillo is......

The Head Of The New Ministry Is S. Antonio Canovas

del Castillo, a nian of unusual cultivation, great influence over per- sons, and of Opinions best described as those of leading Orleanists. That is to say, he is in favour of......

One Of The Most Frightful Catastrophes Ever Recorded At Sea

occurred on 18th November. The Cospatrick,' Captain Elmslie, was on 17th Nov. in lat. 37° 15' S. and long. 12' 25' E., or about 250 miles west of the Cape of Good Hope, with 500......

'mr. Forster Made A Farewell Speech To His American Friends

on - the 14th Dec., after a dinner given him by the New York Union League. We have discussed his main thesis—the possibility of hearty alliance between Great Britain and the......

Christmas Eve Was Marked By A Railway Calamity Surpassing In

its fatality, if not altogether in its horrors, any which the history of railway accidents in this country, the Abergele accident not excepted, has recorded. A train of thirteen......

4- - The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
