2 JANUARY 1948, page 20

The Boundary Commission

SIR,—Mr. Chapman's complaint that Bradford, with only three members for 213,399 electors, will suffer more than any other urban area from re- distribution is not supported by......

D.p.s For Domestic Service

Ste,—The attention of this department has been drawn to a letter which appeared in The Spectator published on December 5th, 1947, concerning the engagement of displaced peksons......

The Missing Zee

must serotest with vigour. In an obituary notice spelling mistakes are taboo. The name, Sir, is Razmak—not Ramak. I, too, enjoyed Mr. Douglas Brown's article, but he is wrong......

" Strength Through Joy "

Sw,—Mr. Harold Nicolson looks forward to the introduction of a system similar to "Kraft durch Freude," calling the latter "one at least of the more humane devices which the......

The Divinity Of Christ

Sac—Mr. Robert Boothby, in his new book, I Fight to Live, which was interestingly reviewed in these columns recently, makes a statement which would be to me incredible as coming......

" Knole And The Sackvilles "

• ■• Sot,—Your reviewer in your issue of December 26th has most courteously included some remarks on the reprint of my book, Knole and the Sackvilles. I ant duly grateful to him......

Freedom Of Movement

Stu,—The instructive article, Everyman's Charter, by H. G. Daniels, in The Spectator of December 19th, rightly criticises the article of the draft declaration regulating freedom......