The Ulster Census Of 1891.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." j Si,—In view of the approaching General Election, will you kindly afford space for the following figures, just published, showing the number......
1.11.1; Poet As Dreamer And Seer.
W Ii have just read with interest an ably written little book, in which the author, Mr. William Clarke, endeavours, with considerable force of argument, and in a tone laudably......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. GLADSTONE AND THE VETO. [To THE EDITOR Or THE " BPZOTATOR."1 Sru, — The words in Mr. Gladstone's address which refer to "Local Option," deserve more attention than has......
Ulstermen In America.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPICTATOR.1 Sin,—In reference to your interesting article on "The Ulster- man in America," which I hope will be as widely read as it deserves, might I be......