News Of The Week • T He Spanish-american War, As We
have pointed out else- where, is rapidly widening in scope, but its incidents happen slowly. The danger of a collision between the United States and Germany increases, owing to......
We Do Not Know If Our Readers Will Notice That
the three Latin countries have accepted Liberal Ministries. Senor Sagasta, Premier and quasi-Dictator of Spain, is the long- established representative of that party, and has an......
Our Readers Should Note With Extreme Attention All News From
the Philippines. The German Government professes a friendly neutrality in the war, but the Emperor is gradually accumulating force in the harbour of Manilla, which he would not......
The Feeling In Commercial Spain In Favour Of "peace"...
increases, and is supported to a great extent by the Church, which is greatly concerned at the ruin of the colonies, first on Catholic grounds, and secondly because clerical......
M. Brisson Has Commenced His Career With A Sort Of
success. He read a long speech in the Chamber on Thursday, in which he said that his two great measures would be the substitution of an Income-tax on the rich only for the......
All Correspondents Expect A Sanguinary Struggle For...
evidence points that way. There is other evidence, however, which suggests that General Linares does not intend to fight, but will blow up the squadron, and with his soldiers......