The Crisis Of 1915 Sir.--dr. Gollin's Resounding...
criticisms of his version of events in the Ministerial Crisis of May 1915 constitute 'a want of judgment deplorable in a historian of high and genuine achievements' would......
National Library Week
SIR, —Mr. K. C. Harrison's candour and courtesy (Spectator, June 18) are most disarming. Am I being a curmudgeon if I point out that, when you are promoting a great campaign to......
William Carlos Williams
SIR,—I appreciate Professor Rosenthal's sense of the ironies involved in our publishing the works of Carlos Williams in what he calls 'counter-chrono- logical order.' Even so,......
New Left, Old Right
SIR,—Alan Watkins's review of the Fontana/New Left Review book Towards Socialism makes only two substantive criticisms, both of which are based on simple factual errors. 1. He......
Face Of The Bard
SIR, —Mr. John Davenport writes off the text of Professor Read's pictorial biography The Days of Dylan Thomas (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 30s.), but is the young professor......