Bosnia's Plight
From Dr D. Chandler Sir: The High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch (Letters, 19 May) is rather too self-deprecating when he suggests he has 'neither the power nor the......
Gay Knights
From Mr Sheridan Morley Sir: I seem unable to satisfy Alistair B. Cooke (Letters, 26 May). Briefly, then, the Palace's objection to knighting gays of any profession persisted......
We Are All Guilty
From Lady Moody-Stuart Sir: I am a regular and appreciative reader of The Spectator; I really admire the brevity and spirit of most of your contributors, and I don't 'hand it......
Terminal Problem
From Dr John Cavalla Sir: Christopher Fildes (City and Suburban, 19 May) complains that the Terminal 5 inquiry at Heathrow is protracted. So it may be, but Mr Fildes should be......
Beastly To Turkey
From Mr Denis Hills Sir: Philip Glazebrook's dismissive review (Books, 5 May) of Philippa Scott's Turkish Delight — 'Turkey,' he sneers, 'wherever you look into it, is not a......