2 MARCH 1945, page 13

The Palestine Mandate Sir, —the Facts I Referred To Are (0

that there are at least tr,000,000 Jews in the world (Mr. Hammersley gives this number, which is, how- ever, much lower than any estimate I have seen from any other source) and......

Scientists And Industry

SIR,--I disagree with Young Chemist when he says that it does not lie in his power as a scientist to improve the ethics of modern industry and that he can only do itas a citizen......

Affirmation Or Oath?

Stu,—Mr. St. John Ervine's protest and plea on this matter will, I am sure, win the approbation of many of your readers. But his closing sentence is amazing. He writes: "It is......

The Polish-russian Frontier

Sta,—In your leading article last week, you say "So far as the Treaty of Riga goes, it was freely negotiated." But H. A. L. Fisher says "the Russians were pushed back across the......

Entropy Stu,—although Mr. Pease Is Right In Saying That The

exceedingly interesting subject of Entropy is difficult to deal with in words, there is a good deal to be said for Mr. W. J. Turner's view that it can be made more intelligible......