The Liverpool Academy.
A controversy which excited a far wider than local interest, and of which we took count at the time was fermenting last winter at Liver- pool. The Fine Art Academy oethat town......
A "long-lost Titian."
Almost all London probably passes through the Strand at some time or other within a quarter of a year. If so, all London must be by this time aware that a picture-dealer in that......
The Architectural Photographic Association.
We take the opportunity at this the stagnant semen of art-develop- ment in London, of calling our readers' attention to a very useful—we mng ht almost say at the present day......
Litprkrlj Oltanings. A Defmice Op The Latitudinarian...
TIONARY ERA.—" The second season of the Reformation, though treated now with unmerited disparagement, was not less worthy of admiration than the first. High Churchmen may be......