Ito Thr Editor Of The Spectator.")
SIR,—Excellent as is the plan (described in your last number by Mr. Cardwell) of offering entrance exhibitions to the highest-class schools of a town, it does not meet the......
The 'vanguard' Sentence.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The sentence of the Court-martial in effect pronounces that the 'Vanguard' was lost by the want of brains in the Admiral, Captains,......
A Quaint Epitaph. (to The Editor Of The "spectator."]...
you are not one to despise "unconsidered trill" when they have merit, perhaps you will find room for the following epitaph, on a Deal boatman, which I copied the other day from......
[to The Editor Of The "srscreroa."]
Sin,—The remarks as to Exhibitions for Poor Scholars in first- grade schools, and the suggestions as to the way in which the ex- aminations may be adapted to the attainments of......
BALFE, THE COMPOSER.* SECOND NOTICE.] WHEN the fortunate youth, who picked up patrons and purses as nobody else out of fairy-lore ever picked them up, went to Italy for the......