Miriam Cromwell, Royalist. By Dora Greenwell Mcchesney....
Sons.)—This story of the Civil Wars is well written. The level of literary merit, as far as style is concerned, is indeed unusually high. On the other hand, as a tale it is......
Hopkins' Pard, And Other Sketches. By Robert T. Morris. (g.
P. Putnam's Sons.)—Here we have some vivid sketches of Nature and sport. " The Autocrat of the Eddy " is a good specimen. There is a touch of Nature in it that makes the English......
Historic Studies In Vaud, Berne, And Savoy. By General...
Read. 2 vols. (Ghetto and Windus.) — General Meredith Read was Consul-General of the United States for France and Algeria from 1869 to 1873, and Minister to Greece from 1873 to......
B00103 Received.—murticipal Problems. By Frank J....
Co.)—Philosophy of Knowledge : an Inquiry into the Nature, Limits, and Validity of Human Cognitive Faculty. By George Trumbull Ladd. (Longmans and Co.) — The Boston Browning......
The Way Of Marriage. By Violet Hunt. (chapman And Hall.)
—Miss Hunt pictures various situations of difficulty which people make for themselves or which are made for them. A girl finds out on the eve of her marriage that her bridegroom......
}taw Eomons.—the Epistle Of St. James. With Introduction,...
Comments by Joseph B. Mayor, Litt.D. (Macmillan and Co.)—This second edition of a work which was reviewed at length in the Spectator on its first appearance has received con-......
Publications Of The Week.
Amery& (Naranja), The Settling of Bertie Marian, cr 8vo (Arrowsmith) 6/0 Bellerby (I.) and Others, The Diamond Fairy-Book, 8vo (Hutchinson) 6P Betts (V.) and Another,......