2 SEPTEMBER 1893, page 2

The Debate On The Third Reading Of The Home-rule Bill

was begun by Mr. Gladstone on Wednesday at noon, in a speech which produced an extraordinary effect in the House of Com- mons, but which certainly does not impress its readers......

Yesterday Week, Mr. Gladstone Received A Deputation On...

of Scotch Dieestablishment, headed by Sir Charles Cameron, M.P. for the College Division of Glasgow. To this deputation,—who boasted of the great liberality of the con- ditions......

The Debate Of Thursday Was Not On The Whole, Important,

ex- cept for Mr. T. W. Russell's speech and the statesmanlike speech , of Sir Henry James. Sir Charles Russell made an eloquent but somewhat hackneyed Attorney-General's......

Mr. Courtney's Speeeh In Proposing The Rejection Of The...

was very vigorous. He pointed out that since the country had been kept so sedulously in the dark as to the. provisions of the Home-rule Bill,—in spite of the powerful'......

The Report Stage Of The Home-rule Bill Was Brought To

a close on Friday week, under the guillotine Closure. In the debate, Mr. Maeartney proposed that the Lord-Lieutenant should be given the powers of reserving Bills "for the......

In The Remainder Of The Debate, Mr. Disraeli Made A

success- ful maiden speech, cast very much in the mould of his uncle's rhetoric, of which the happiest point was that, as regards the retention of the Irish Members, Mr.......

Sir Henry James Virtually Concluded The Debate By A Very

brilliant -speech against the Bill, pointing out that this was , not a popular revolution in any sense as regarded the followers of Mr. Gladstone. It was a revolution made by......