Memorial Tablets.
[TO TILE EDITOR OT THE SPECTATOTt."3 SIR,—Some time ago the subject of memorial tablets, recording deeds of heroism or great self-sacrifice, was dwelt upon in the Spectator, and......
The Ritualists And The Decision Of The Arc Rbis Hops.
[To TEE EDITOR OF TIER "SPECTATOR"] SIE. — In your editorial note to the letter of a layman on this subject, in the Spectator of August 19th, you say : "His appeal to the......
[To =3 EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Allow me to thank you for your excellent paragraph in the Spectator of August 19th on the subject of drawn games at cricket. My interest......
Stone He N Ge.—a W Arn Lng.
[TO TILE EDITOR OF TITS "SPECTATOR:I SIR,—Referring to your article on Stonehenge in the Spectator of August 26th, it is well that the public attention lute been called to this......