From Shakespeare To Sheridan. By Alwin Thaler. (harvard...
and Humphrey Milford. 21s.)—The effect of the interior economy of the theatre upon the character of the dramatic work of an age has never been thoroughly examined. Such a study......
Poets And Poetry.
AN ESSAY TOWARDS A THEORY OF ART.* 1 1'nosE who are interested in art because they desire to create or experience it, to give or to receive, are the readers who will be most......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Amateur Archangel. By T. C. Crawford. (Oxford : Basil Blackwell. 5s.)—Mr. Crawford's The Amateur......
Mediaeval France : A Companion To French Studies. Edited By
Arthur Tilley. (Cambridge University Press. 25s. net.)—This valuable and interesting work consists of essays by English and French scholars on different aspects of mediaeval......
Professor Holdsworth Concludes, In The Current Law...
important article on " The History of Remedies Against the Crown," in which ho points out that the refusal of the courts to apply the doctrine of employers' liability to the......
In British Basidiomycetae (cambridge University Press,...
Rea has given us what will be the standard handbook to the larger British fungi—mushrooms and toad- stools. The different kinds that bad been found in Britain have been......
Ormat Porray.—the Travels Of Tiadatha. By Owen Rutter....
Unwin. 4s. 6d. net.)—Amusing, if obvious narrative verse, imitating Frankau in the manner of " Hiawatha." The atmosphere is that of light, hearty colloquialism.......
Women Of The French .revolution. By Winifred Stephens....
Hall. 15s.)—Miss Winifred Stephens has col- lected a mass of interesting information in her book on Women of the French Revolution—the courtesan, Theroigne de Mericourt ; the......
Intelligence And Politics. By James T. Shotwell. (new York :
The Century Company.)—In this thoughtful pamphlet Professor Shotwell of Columbia pleads for the study of applied social science as a safeguard for democracy, which is confronted......