30 APRIL 1887, page 1

News Of The Week.

nr HE Schnaebele incident, to which we briefly alluded last week, has turned oat serious, but is believed to be at an end. According to the best accounts, the authorities of......

The Taunton Election Resulted On Saturday In The Return Of

the Conservative candidate, Mr. Alleopp, by a majority of 536,— for Mr..Allsopp there polled 1,426 electors; for the Home-rule candidate (Hr. Sanders), only 890. There was no......

We Do Not Like The Reuter Telegram Of April 28th

from Calcutta. The draftsman of that message is clearly a high official, and he says that "there is reason to hope that the Ameer will be able to vindicate his authority."......

Yesterday Week Also, Lord Burlington, In Making A...

in answer to Mr. Dillon's challenge, quoted those words attributed by the Times to Mr. Boyton and Mr. Sheridan, who were acting under Mr. Dillon as organisers of the Land......

Yesterday Week, Mr. Arthur Balfour, The Irish Secretary,...

very able speech at Ipswich on the Irish Crimes Bill, in which he showed that the Government have a very much stronger case for their Bill in the amount of existing agrarian......

The Guardian Publishes The Teat Of Much Of Prince Bismarck's

speech of Thursday week in favqnr of the repeal of the May Laws, which is full of curious matter. The Chancellor denied altogether that the Pope was a foreigner. "He is for......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "ElYsarATon" of Saturday, May 21st, mill be issued gratis a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which oat be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements for......

V.,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
