Sin,—as One Interested In The Wine And Spirit Trade, I
agree generally with your article on this subject, bat I wish to add a suggestion to it. In the course of a year a great many publicans are unable to meet their engagements, and......
Understand The Position Indicated By The Present Bill.
It proposes to create a legal property in new on-licenses as well as in existing licenses, and by this fact abandons the reason for the Bill. The principle of compensation is......
Is Little Wonder That The Tea-planters Of India And Ceylon
are reported as viewing the increase of the Tea-duty with astonishment and bitterness. Here is a British industry that has for years been labouring under serious depression, yet......
Sia,—your Valuable Commentary On The Main Features Of The...
Hill in the Spectator of April 23rd would, I venture to think, have been minus the commendatory expressions in regard to the sale of new licenses had it been possible for you......