30 APRIL 1937, page 40
Quod Felix • . .
FOUR years ago Mr. Richmond Harvey, we learn from his book, was a man of caste. He could pronounce aright such nouns as Zeus and Herodotus, he had impeccably correct opinions......
Dickens For Marxists
Charles Dickens. By T. A. Jackson. (Lawrence and Wishart. 6s.) IT has been the fashion in recent years to disparage Dickens, and if there is any justification for this it lies......
New Poetry
Calamiterrar. By George Barker. (Faber and Faber. 5s.) Straight or Curly ? By Clifford Dyment. (Dint. 23. 6d.) THERE seem to be two Mr. Dyments, one whimsical and one with a......