30 APRIL 1977, page 25
This Sporting Life
Benny Green The Greet Prize Fight Alan Lloyd (Cassell £4.50) The title of Mr Lloyd's book means all things to all men. To my grandfather it would have conveyed an unlovely......
Crime Pays
Pe nelope Houston Atha Christie: First Lady of Crime ...clited by H. R. F. Keating Nit:Olson (Weidenfeld and £ 5 .00) A dinner of that rather formidable body the Detection Club.......
Books And Records Wanted
EGO Vol 5 by James Agate. Write Spectator Bo* 741. WRITING & ILLUMINATING & LETTERING. Ed. Johnson. Pitman. David Law, Rethbone Hall, North Mossley Hill Road Liverpool 118 88H.......