30 AUGUST 1884, page 1

The French Operations In China Have Been As Yet Very

ably 'conducted by Admiral Courbet, and, so far as the reports enable us to judge, perfectly successful. The Foo-Chow Arsenal was bombarded and destroyed on Sunday, with little......

Lord Ampthill, The British Ambassador To Germany, Died Of...

after but a week's illness, at his summer villa at Potsdam, on Monday morning last, at the age of fifty-five. He was the son , of Major-General Lord George William Russell, and......

News Of The Week.

G ENERAL STEPHENSON having declared his distrust of the Nile as the route on which succour should be sent to General Gordon, Lord Wolseley, who recommends and prefers that......

On Wednesday Mr. Gladstone Went To Midlothian To Give Some

account to his constituents of his four years' administra- tion. Blackwood's Magazine for September, which indulges in its usual frothy fury against him, contains a prose attack......

0 * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


At Edinburgh The Scene Was Very Exciting, Though Mr. Glad-

stone made no reply to the address of grateful acknowledg- ment and unabated confidence which the Liberal Committee presented to him. Opposite the Caledonian station is the......

The Times' Correspondent, Who Was At Foo-chow, Gave A Very

highly-coloured account of the bombardment of the Foo-Chow Arsenal, from which it would appear that a great deal of wanton destruction on the part of the French had taken place......