M. Fould Has Issued His Financial Report, Which Is A
sort of cross between a budget, a treatise on finance, and a chapter of one of the minor prophets. We do not profess to comprehend tho- roughly what M. Fould means with his......
The Outflow Of Bullion From The Country Has Had A
depressing effect on the market for home securities during the week, the result being that prices have fallen three-eighths per cent. On Friday week the closing quotations were......
Dr. Stanley, Dean Of Westminster, Preached To A Crowded And
breathlessly attentive audience in Westminster Abbey last Thurs- day on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the inauguration of the new Abbey, rebuilt by Edward the......
The Record Has Invented A New Fashion Of Striking A
foe after he is dead. In a review of the life of its old enemy, the late Re;r. F. W. Robertson of Brighton, published yesterday fort- night, it touched very gently (as we......
The Provincial Assembly Of St. Petersburg, Which...
has drawn up a schedule of its wishes, which the Ber- lin correspondent of the Times calls a "petition of right." It amounts to this—that the Russian squires wish to have in......
Mr. Sothern Agreed In September To Act Brother Sam For
seven- teen nights, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham, on pay- ment of half the gross receipts. He then became irritated by some slight and also had a sore throat and......
Subjoined Are The Closing Prices Of The Principal British...
ways yesterday and on Friday week :- Friday, Caledonian •• Great. Eastern . • .• • • • - Great Northern .. Great Western.. .. Do. West Midland, Oxford •• Lanosahlre and......
The French Government Has, It Appears, Really Resolved To...
minate the extradition treaty with Great Britain. We have offered elsewhere a suggestion as to the motive for this step, but may add here that while France has between 1851 and......
The Leading Foreign Securities Left Off At The Following...
yesterday and on Friday week:— Greek Do. Coupons Mexican Spanish Passive •• Do. Certificates Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858.. „ 1862.. • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • , • • Friday,......
The Bank Return Is Unfavourable, And The Directors Have...
their minimum rate of discount to 7 per cent. The stock of bullion held by the establishment, notwithstanding the large amount of gold from Australia by the Greta Britain, shoes......
The Pantomimes This Year Do Not Seem To Present Much
origi- nality, though Sadlers' Wells -has made a grand draught on the fishes for new dramatis persona, in itself a clever idea. Aladdin, at Covent Garden, is successful, but not......