30 DECEMBER 1893, page 16

Major Percy's Mission After Waterloo.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In the very interesting extracts from the late Miss Bagot's journal, communicated by her niece to the Spectator of December 23rd, there......

The Horror Of Torture.

[To THE EDITOR OF THIO "BrillOTATOR."3 Sin,—In connection with yoar article under this heading, in the Spectator of December 23rd, I venture to communicate a personal......

A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPBOTATOR."] suppose my writing was indistinct, as my note appears in the Spectator of December 23rd with three misprints, viz.,- " Articus," " duch,"......


FIVE SONNETS. I.—THE RIVALS. MAN'S good and evil angels came to dwell As housemates, at his board and hearth alway ; One, secret as the night, one, frank as day, Both lovely,......

Reclaiming The Wash. [to The Eorror Or The " $photatoli."3

SIR, — The subject of reclaiming the Wash is naturally one of very considerable interest in the part of Nor- folk from which I take the liberty of asking you to con- sider a few......