Lunchtime Oborne
From Mr Jeff Randall Sir: I was amused to read Peter Oborne's report (`Table manners', 16/23 December) on poor manners among Britain's wining- and-dining classes. Quite rightly,......
From Mr Colin Byrne Sir: Can I Be The First
to send a letter of thanks to Peter Oborne for mentioning me in his column on people who did not send him letters of thanks for being taken out to lunch by him. To quote......
Stalin And Abortion
From Mr Andnj Halushka Sir: As much as I like to read Paul John- son's column (and as much as I admire him as a historian), I feel compelled to com- ment on his mention of......
Death Wishes
From Mr Peter J. Farrell Sir: With reference to your leading article (2 December), about ten years ago a coun- try doctor in New South Wales wrote a let- ter to the Sydney......
Playing The Game
From Dr Christopher Tyerman Sir: Would it be possible to point out to Charles Sprawson (Books, 16/23 Decem- ber) that, pace his assertion of my ignoring Old Harrovian Wimbledon......
`other Ranks' Blair
From Mr R.H. Wilson Sir: On reading Peter Burnand's article (`Carry on, Sar' Major', 18 November) on his time at Sandhurst, I was reminded of my time at Mons Officer Cadet......