Better Queens
Bee-keepers are increasing within Britain at a rate entirely beyond precedent, and research-workers are unusually busy on their behalf. The new zeal is to be 'encouraged, but it......
Country Life
IT is complained by some of our dwellers in the south that the climate of their Riviera grows harsher, that frosts of ten degrees or so become almost a commonplace, that the......
In The ';arden It Was An Experience, Corroborated By The
latest frosts, that wire guards proved as efficient a guard as glass cloches, and it is, of course, a mistake to imagine that glass as such has any very special virtue. Is there......
SIR,—Under this heading, it is interesting to observe the comments of a French writer in an article, "Angleterre," in a recent number of La France Libre. He says: " Ces......
Sir,—may I Most Strongly Dissent From H. Tudor Edmond's...
assertion that broadcasting serious music in lie mornings or after- noons is a waste? There must be many, like myself retired lecturers, musicians, &c. too aged for war work or......
Flowers In War-time Is It Wrong For Us To Grow
flowers in war-time? The answer given by some of those who grow them on a considerable scale is that they can hardly help themselves. Their business is enmeshed with flowery......
Music And The B.b.c.
SIR,—It is to be hoped that neither me Dean of Lichfield not Mr. Philip Guedalla will feel gratified at the derogatory contrast drawn by one of your correspondents between Tommy......
The Master Of The Rolls
SIR,—" Janus " is wrong in suggesting that the Master of the Rolls (Lord Greene) does little than look after the Rolls. As President of the Court of Appeal, he and the Lord......
The British Commonwealth
SIR,—Mr. Conncly states that £5o,000p0o is received in England from India as interest. He gives no authority for his statement nor does he indicate where or in what form the......
Don't Slacken In Saving Waste Paper The Need Is As
great as ever.......