30 JULY 1859, page 7


The Liberals of York, who boast of being now "united for the first time," have in commemoration thereof, and although their unity did not secure success, presented a dessert......


The Prince of Wales is diligently pursuing his studies at Holyrood. He has found time, however, to look after his health, and in taking open air exercises to visit the beautiful......

Furrigu Nut

ra UM—The most important announcement from Paris is an extract from the Handcar. On Wednesday, the Emperor held a combined meeting of the Council of Ministers and the Council of......

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The Court of Aldermen, at a meeting on Wednesday, took into conside- ration the clause in the Corporation Reform Bill which dispenses with the attendance of the Sheriffs of......


The Crown has pursued a wise course in relation to the Phcenix Club conspirators. The two Sullivans, tried at Tmlee, pleaded guilty, and were liberated on their own......