Saxby's Weather System ; Or, Lunar Influence On Weather. By
S. M. Saxby, R.N. Second Edition. (Longman and Co.)—The theory is this, that there is always atmospheric disturbance when tho moon crosses - the earth's equator, or is at her......
Chinese Grammar.* The Study Of The Chinese Language Is...
a matter of practical importance. Hitherto, Sinologues, as the French call them, or what, if we were to coin a corresponding English word, we should call Chinologists, have been......
The Handbook Of Sculpture, Ancient And Modern. By Richard...
R.A., F.R.S. (Adam and Charles Black.)—An artist of eminence, who has retired from the practice of his profession, cannot possibly employ his time more usefully than by devoting......
Current Literature.
The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuch Considered. By a Layman of the Church of England. (William Skellington.)—If a proof were wanted of the great good which Bishop Colenso's......