[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sir,—there Is One Point
in connection with the Report of the Tariff Commission to which I should like to call the attention of your readers ; so far as I am aware, it has not been noticed in any London......
[to Tub Editor Op Tub " Spectator. "] Sir,—thanks For Your
excellent description of " dumping, " —namely, " foreign importing under a vituperative alias. " Australian Protectionists when inducing us to adopt Pro. tection asserted that......
The Tariff Commission Report And Iron And Steel Profits. 15o
via EDITOR OF TIIR "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —In your issue of July 23rd I notice that when referring to the Report of the Tariff Commission on the Iron and Steel Trades you say :—"......
Sir, — Our Field Of Hay Was Sold Standing. It Was Cut
early one morning, and by the evening of the second day—so fine and hot was the weather — the crop was almost ready to be carried. The farmer, however, decided to wait till next......
Licensing Bill P
In my opinion, and I have had some experience of many different sides of the question, it is a valuable temperance measure. This, however, is only a matter of opinion. I wish to......