In The Houle Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Gladstone Explained
With even more dignity, and much more grace, than Lord Russell, the reasons of the Cabinet for thinking it absolutely impossible to accept Lord Dunkellin's victory as a victory......
Earl Russell Informed The Lords On Tuesday Night That His
resignation had been accepted. Her Majesty had at first con- sidered the vote a question of detail, and requested him to resume office, but after explanations not described to......
The Prussians Have Invaded Bohemia In Three Columns, And...
met with some important successes. Prince Charles, with the old army of Saxony, has descended from Zittan and Roiehen- berg upon Turnau and Manchengratz ; the Prussian Guards......
News Of The Week.
MHE interregnum continues, and in all probability will con- tinue for nearly three weeks more, as Lord Derby is not pre- pared to publish his list till Thursday, and part of the......
Mr. Bernal Osborne Having Been Elected For Nottingham By A
coalition of Tories and ultra-Radicals, took the opportunity of saying on Thursday that he did not intend to offer a "factious opposition" to Lord Derby, and of saying the......
The Italian Army Has Made Its First Bold Stroke, And
failed. On the 23rd June (this day week) the force under the King and La Marmora, advanced in three corps each 30,000 strong, the left ap- proaching Peachiera, the right nearly......
Earl Grey Concluded The Debate In A Speech The Greater
part of which was upon the now extinguished Reform Bill. He stated, however, that in his judgment the Government had no right to resign, the House of Commons, while defeating......