Can We Afford Macmillan?
SIR,—I am obliged to Mr. Julian Critchlcy, MP, for his reference to my article, 'It could well have been written by a Conservative MP. . . .' There could be no more devastating......
Sta,—erskine Childers Has Destroyed One Myth, Only To...
There was no Arab 'policy' of evacuation; but neither was there a Jewish 'policy' of expulsion—any more than there was a single 'Exodus.' The situation was far more complex and......
Sir,—your Correspondent Kenneth J. Robinson Does Not Seem...
much idea what the Blackheath inquiry has been about. It would take up too much of your space to explain the arguments against the Minister's decision. But I would just point......
Sir,—under Challenge, Jon Kimche Has Now Shifted Ground...
that I have quite lost his 'mountain of evidence that the initiative for the Arab exodus came from the Arab side.' He now writes that he 'never said there were' Arab broadcasts......