Sir: As one who has had to suffer unwelcome acclaim as a fellow-Baconian by Baconians, allow me to offer a defence of Dr Rowse's recent action in paining members of the Francis......
Whose Freedom?
Sir: Spectator's argument that it is the restriction of freedom of speech which ought to be intolerable to anyone thinking of themselves as a ' liberal ' may seem convincing,......
A Word To The Judge
Sir: A. D. M. Lindsay has written to you, giving his address as The Com mon Room, Middle Temple, and he has so written previously. I think, to other publications. But the Law......
Powells Apart
Sir: I was rather puzzled this week (June 16) by your views on Mr Enoch Powell. On entry into Europe, he is the champion of demdcracy. The will of the majority should be allowed......
Death On The Road.
Sir: With reference to Professor Vaizey's article (June 16) on the Courts' attitude to dangerous driving, on the, BBC World Service it was stated that as soon as a person passes......