City And Suburban
Who's a fraud? H ere is how to silence a City luncheon room with one easily-dropped brick. When last, you ask, did anyone in or around this part of the world g o down for seven......
Gower Power
t this point, those lunchers who are still in the room will a g ree that your q ues- tions are g rowin g in ur g ency. The re g ula- tion of the City is becomin g more formal,......
Lutine Bill
F raud, of course, is one thin g , and scan- dal another — but q uite fri g htenin g enou g h, at that. It afforded the frisson of that autumn day, two years back, in Bri g......
Musical Chairs
T he revolution at. Schroders now brin g s a new chairman to join the new chief executive. The Earl of Airlie is transferrin g to the Palace, as Lord Chamberlain, and hands over......
Jury On Trial
L ord Roskill heads the Fraud Trials L./Committee, briefed (in resonant le g al En g lish) 'to consider what chan g es in ex- istin g law and procedure would be desirable to......