The Nonconformist Laity And Their Clergy.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR?'] am not a little surprised that Dr. Raleigh could read any letter in your issue of the 16th inst., and yet imagine that I have any other......
[to Tim Editor Of The "spectator."]
you kindly allow me to point out that the words " minority " and " majority " in my letter of last week were used, as in the letter of "B. K. A.," with reference to......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. LEATHAM AND MR. SEEBOHM. [TO THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") hardly think that the inferences drawn by Mr. Leathaim last week from my letter to the Spectator and article in......
Queen's College, Galway.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR?'] SIR, —By adopting the statistics of Mr. Synan, Member for Limerick, you have been led into a grave error, which I feel sure you will let me......