30 MARCH 2002, page 30

Manners Maketh Hunters

From Mr J. N. P. Watson Sir: David Welch (`Cruel, cowardly and boorish', 23 March) is indeed unfortunate if, when at home in Somerset he informs fox-hunters that they are not......

From Mr Alexander Baldock Sir: David Welch's Pique Over The

deplorable manners of his local hunts seems to have misted his judgment. The merits of hunting don't depend on risk to the participants, any more than the slim chance of being......

From Lesley Bryant Sir: David Welch Was Most Fortunate In

that he could hunt with different packs of foxhounds and staghounds in England, Ireland and the USA before deciding that hunting was 'cruel, cowardly and boorish'. If he and......

From Mr John Verney Sir: Thank You For Printing The

excellent article on fox-hunting. Addicted as I am to The Spectator, I must say I never expected to read in it an article which proves, in the right-wing's own backyard, that......

Niceness Isn't Enough

From Mr David Williams Sir: Francis Maude's thoughts CA phoenix, not a dodo', 23 March) are the essence of why hard-working, real-world, natural conservatives just cannot be......

From Mr Francis Reunion Sir: After Reading Francis...

I felt like starting the Indecent party. Maude says that a decent party shows real respect for everybody, whereas I believe respect belongs to those who have earned it by their......

Justice Is Complex

From Sir Jonah Walker-Smith Sir: Why should one assume, as Judge Andrew Geddes appears to do (Blind justice', 23 March), that, when a judge disagrees with the verdict of a jury,......

From Mr Karl Schaffenburg Sir: The Origin Of The Jury

lies in the process of `compurgation of law'. Under this system an accused needed to produce a number of people (neighbours from his hundred) to swear that his oath was clean.......