Female Suffra.ge.
(TO THE EDITOR or THZ "SPRCTILTOR.") Si,—We cannot but protest against the root idea upon which your opposition to the franchise for women is based. You believe, in spite of......
A Conservative Opportunity.—woman Suffrage.
[TO TIM EDITOR Or TUN "SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—In opening the door to woman suffrage the Prime Minister has given the Conservative Party a grand chance for strengthening its moral......
A False Analogy.
LTO THE EDITOR Or Tar "SPIOTATOR."3 Stn,–.-The old-age pensions policy has been propounded here in Canada, only in the contributory form, and even in that form does not appear......
Letters To The Editor.
OLD-AGE PENSIONS. [TO TIM EDITOR OF THZ " SPZCTATOF.1 SIR, — In the work of district nursing a large proportion of my patients have been old men and women, and the conditions of......