Solution To 1058: Dancing-girl
'BUSH .--. i3 A n 111 n C E .-..: ..-. .. 9 A P ERGI VI O V N IISIL a ILE '3 AIR T A , L LIN 1110 n L LAt . ri l A U_ A 0 A R AM C n , CR A3 1 .-9-.. /( _ L E r it 1E lw Mid l'......
A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of' Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary') for the first three correct......
R 3,,s,r1,04 - 1
PUNE HIGHLAND MALT 111•1111 111111i,, COMPETITION PUNE HIGHLAND MALT NI .111 .111/1” Park theme Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1729 you were in- vited to write a piece of light......
No. 1732: Filthy Dozen
I say 'filthy' rather than 'dirty' because this is, I hope, more difficult than usual. Please incorporate the following words, in any order, in a plausible piece of prose:......