30 NOVEMBER 1850, page 8


SATURDAY. Berlin letters, of the 27th instant, state that Baron Manteuffel has " suc- ceeded in foiling the Austrian ultimatum " : ho had proposed, with the consent of the......

The Counties Of Somersetshire And Derbyshire Raised Their...

:p.ftt meetings against the Pope, yesterday. At the Somerset meeting, Mr. Sandford, M.P., warned his diocesan, that the Reverend Mr. G. A. Denison ought no longer to hold the......

William Dyson, James Mahon, And John Mitchell, The Three Men

who broke into Mr. Holford's house in Regent's Park, and met with such a mauling from pitchforks and guns at the hands of Mr. Paul the butler and his men ' were tried at the......

The Pope And The Queen.

Son—As a lover of fair play, I feel sure that you will allow me a line in your journal to remark, (in reply to your article in the last Spectator,)-that it was impossible for......

In Reference To The Reported Intention Of The Earl Of

Shaftesbury to re- tire from the office of Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords, and the Standard's announcement that Lord Redesdale will be put forward as his......

Life And Scenes In Lydia.

Such is the title of a new diorama opened at Willis's Rooms, and aim- ing to follow up the path opened by the popular Overland Route. Views are presented of the principal points......


The Earl of Shaftesbury, it is understood, intends resigning the Chair- manship of the- Manse of Lords next session. Lord lledesdale has inti- mated his consent to succeed the......

Money Market.

STOCK ETCHANGS, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has been more than usually agitated. The de- cline of the French Funds in Paris on Monday, and the warlike tenour of......

To Correspondents.

The communications which we have received on the all-absorbing topic of the day, would occupy ten times our available space. In our duty of selection, we never think of the side......