30 NOVEMBER 1867, page 17

Visible Speech.

To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—If your reviewer will kindly give me an opportunity of orally explaining to him the system of " Visible Speech," I pledge myself to give......

[letter To John Bright, Esq "dublin, 10 Ifountjoy Street,...

12, 1867. " MY DEAR have received your letter, and feel obliged by your kind expression of interest in my Prussia and Ireland and equally so for your statement of your own......


SIR H. BULWER ON SOME HISTORICAL CHARACTERS.* A VERY able man of cosmopolitan experience, familiar with politicians in all countries, accustomed to watch and weigh men as only......


LION-HEARTS of young Italy ! Field where none died in vain ! Beardless boys and famine-gaunt Corpses along the plain, — Did not enough of ye die On the field where none died in......