30 NOVEMBER 1974, page 3

Conference Priority

This week's Labour conference is a curtailed and unnatural affair. It does not take place in the contained atmosphere of a seaside town, and will lack the vigour, power and......

No Succour

At least, however, it can be said that from reactions to the terrorism both of the IRA and of the four Arab extremists who hijacked a British Airways VC-10 at Tunis, it appears......

Salt Parities

It is far too early to descry the significance — let alone the meaning — of the Moscow Agreement on strategic arms limitation between Mr Brezhnev and President Ford. But their......

Foot Fault

Mr Michael Foot's stand on the protest by Fleet Street editors against his decision to yield to the plea of the National Union of Journalists for a closed shop in their......

Spending Curb

The growth in recent months of the power of the ratepayers' associations, and their evident determination to struggle fiercely against the burdens profligate councillors are......