In Bamboo Lands. By Katharine Schuyler Baxter. (merriam...
York.)—" Bamboo Lands" is a paraphrase of "Japan." Mrs. Baxter started from Montreal, travelled by the Canadian Pacific to Vancouver, where she embarked on the Empress of......
The Story Of The Pilgrim Fathers. Kilted From The Original
Texts by Edward Arber. (Ward and Downey.)—The story which Mr. Arber gives us is " as told by Themselves, their Friends, and their Enemies." In other words, he gives the original......
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All about Animals for Old and Young, oblong 4to (Namma) 10/6 Andree (R.), Colonel Bogey's Sketch-Book, oblong 4to (Longmans) 2/6 Audley (I.), Mademoiselle Bayard, cr Svo......
New Editions And Reprints. — Of The "temple Library" (j....
and Co.) we have received the third volumes of _Roswell's Life of Samuel Johnson and The Essays of Michael, Lord of Montaigne, translated by John Florio.—Modern Painters. By......