30 OCTOBER 1953, page 24

Barmkin And Bartizan

Scottish Castles of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Oliver Hill. (Country Life. 6 gns.) R. Ouvsa Hin,las of course skilfully picked his sixty castles that e pictures......

More Max

A Variety of Things. By Max Beerbohm, (Heinemann. 15s.) THIS would probably not be a good choice to put into the hands of someone hitherto unacquainted with the writings of Max......

The Great Game

Clubland Heroes. By Richard Usborne. (Constable. 15s.) WALK into certain well-known clubs in London, so the legend goes, and you will find half-a-dozen lean brown men with a......

Commonwealth Documents

THE " principle of decentralisation," acclaimed by Smuts in November, 1943, and by many other statesmen before that, means among other things a dispersal of documents. Whereas a......