30 SEPTEMBER 1955, page 19


MICHAEL AYRTON As I suggested in my notice of John Bratby's exhibition last week, one of the greatest diffi- culties facing the young painter nowadays is knowing how, to his own......

Television : Free And Easy

A HARROWING week it has been for television critics. Viewing now starts soon after break- fast and ends not far off midnight, so conscien- tious critics can be met, pink-eyed as......


October 2, 1830 THE Day OF ALGIERS.—Lady B sees the Dey of Algiers every day. He enjoys the fall of Charles the Tenth exceedingly. He was sulky till that event occurred; but......

The Film Of History

THE post-war German cinema has largely con- tented itself with imitating Hollywood musi- cals, a field where Hollywood is inimitable. But the past year has seen a freshet of war......