31 AUGUST 1895, page 2

Our Outstanding Difficulties With France In West Africa...

the Paris Press represents the attitnde of the French Government, not less but more difficult of solution. The Temps is now claiming that recent French expeditions have linked......

The Bishop Of Chester Wrote A Most Effective And Reason-

able letter to Monday's Times in favour of unity amongst those Educational reformers who desire to see the children of believers in the dogmatic basis of the Christian faith......

On Friday, August 23rd, Mr. Chamberlain Received A...

the Colonial Office on the subject of West African railways. The deputation drew attention to the rapid growth of trade in West Africa. Twelve years ago there were but 25 tons......

Nevertheless, We Are Not At All Sure That Mr. Healy,

who would be very slow to make such a blunder as Sir Richard Webster's, is not overdoing his ostentatious display of animosity towards England when he boasted as he did on......

A Great Deal Of Irritation Is Said To Exist In

Conservative circles at both the Irish and the English Solicitor-Generalship having been given to Liberal Unionists, Mr. Kenny and Mr. Finlay. The English Solicitor-Generalship......

Mr. Horace Plunkett, The Member For The Southern Division Of

the County of Dublin, is an enterprising man. He has been attempting to unite all the various sections of the Irish Members,—Unionists, Anti-Parnellites of both the sections,......

Late On Wednesday Night, Or Early On Thursday Morning, Sir

Richard Webster, the English Attorney-General, pro- voked a most legitimate explosion of indignation from Mr. Dalziel and his friends, by suggesting in a whisper loud enough to......