31 JANUARY 1969, page 14

• Wormwood

GILES PLAYFAIR Life Zeno (Macmillan 30s) If the men undergoing 'training and treatment' in 'D' Hall, Wormwood Scrubs, learned noth- ing else while George. Blake was in residence......

Darken'd Walls

MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH The Poetry of Christopher Smart Moira Dearnley (Routledge and Kegan Paul 50s) Christopher Smart was once thought of as a one-poem CA Song to David') poet......

New Novels

Jerome at work BARRY COLE The Face of Another Kobo Abe translated by E. Dale Saunders (Weidenfeld and Nicol- son 32s 6d) Terra Arnow J. M. G. Le Clezio translated by Barbara......