31 JANUARY 1970, page 27
Chess 476
PHILIDOR G. Baksi (4th Commend, RCP Tourney 119). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 475 (Halumbirek: 1611Q6/ 2PplP2fp2N4/p7/rp2K3/1k6)......
The Socialists JOHN WELLS In a new pre-election pamphlet published by the Conservative Party Central Office, The Man, his Myth and his Magic, various distinguished Tories have......
Machiavelli's Friend Sir: Mr Alexander (letters, 10...
in thinking that my objections to his version of Guicciardini's Story of /tab' arose directly from his theories of transla - tion. They sprang rather from his frequent inability......