No. 1792: Christian Aid
`He's so positive, so knock-me-down.' These words, which were in sober . truth written by Cardinal Newman, beg to be incorporated in a musical lyric of any period from Gilbert......
Solution To 1117: Not The Chemists
The unclued lights (2, 6A, 7, 11, 18, 22, 36, 38 & 40) are all boots. First prize: Harold Margolis, Letch- worth, Herts; Runners-up: Mrs M. B. Mollison, Edinburgh; F. Bar- nard,......
PORT CROSSWORD Wee J. GRAHAM'S PORT A first prize of £20 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 16 August, with two......
Dommon D's Competition
False origin Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 1789 you were invited to offer fanciful origins of charac- ters, like Jack Robinson, who have become part of our daily language. Brewer......