Mr. Besant On The Art Of Fiction.
[To TRIO EDITOR OP TIER " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Will you allow me to point out that the writer of the- paper on "The Art of Fiction" in last Saturday's Spectator has very strangely......
The Late F. D. Maurice On Prophecy. Pro As Editor
OF THZ " 8PRCTATOR.1 Sra,—The following extract from a letter of Manrice's which I enclose may interest some of your readers, as illustrating his view of the Messianic......
[to The Editor. Of The " Spectator-1 You Allow Me,
as one of a large and, as yet, unrepre- sented class, to remark on certain points in your article opposing Mr. Woodall's Amendment ? At the last general election, the question......
The Report Of The Crofters' Commission.
ITO THE ED/TOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In a recent issue of the Spectator, in an article on the Highland Crofter question, the following paragraph occurs :— " It makes one's......