31 MAY 1890, page 3

Meissonier's Picture Of Napoleon In 1814, Only 30 In. By

20, has just been sold for £34,000, the highest price ever given for the work of a living artist. The art world naturally exults over this solid proof of appreciation; but we......

Unsuccessful Speculators Have A Harder Time In France...

England. On Wednesday, the French Courts found M. Secretan, founder of the Societe des Metaux, guilty of mono- polising an article of necessary use, and of distributing......

Corruption In Contracts, The Bane Of All French...

would seem to have invaded the marine administration, supposed, on the whole, to be the purest of the departments. M. Gerville de Reache, deputed to examine the management of......

We Noticed Last Week The Admirable Speech Made By Mr.

Burt to the International Miners' Congress, held at Jolimont, in Belgium. Throughout the debates, the English delegates displayed not only strong sense, but a thorough spirit of......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (2f) were on Friday 981 to 98t.......

A Correspondent Of The Times Of Thursday, Writing From...

gives a very curious account of experiments made in what is now called " hypnotism " at the Salpetriere Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Charcot. A patient of this class,......

American Senators Can Occasionally Play The Fool, Like...

Senator Blair, from New Hamp- shire, in the debate on a Bill ordering three new war-ships, resisted, moving that, as an alternative, the President should be directed to request......

The Times' Correspondent In Paris Is Endeavouring To...

custodians of Prince Talleyrand's Memoirs, now long over- due, to give them to the world. By means which he does not reveal, he has obtained passages from them, and by......