31 MAY 1902, page 1

M. Loubet Has Returned In Safety From Russia, And Though

he had been very seasick, he made at Dunkirk on May 27th a noteworthy speech. His reception, he said, had exceeded in cordiality and solicitude all that he could have hoped, and......

The Elections In Belgium Have Ended In A Small Victory

for the Clericals, who have increased their majority in the Chamber by five. This is a disappointment to the Liberals, who had expected a " demonstration " in favour of......

Next He Tries To Insist On Protection Being Secured For

his master's friends and party in the city. Finally, says Mr. Loth-to-Stoop : "I have one more thing to propound, and then I am got to the end of my commission. Suppose that......

News Of The Week.

A GAIN it is impossible to say definitely that peace is an accomplished fact, but Mr. Balfour virtually promises an announcement on Monday, and meantime all the omens are......

The Italians Had Expected A Surplus Budget, And With It

some reduction of taxation ; but the accounts show only what is described as an "equilibrium." This has weakened the Government, and the Radicals attack it both for financial......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
